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PostgreSQL , 多值类型 , 数组 , 全局约束
对于单值类型,很容易做到,加个unique, primary key约束就可以,使用b-tree很方便判断值是否已存在。但是对于多值类型,怎么判断呢?
postgres=# \set VERBOSITY verbose postgres=# create table t_unique_arr (id int, arr int[], exclude using gin (arr with &&)); ERROR: 0A000: access method "gin" does not support exclusion constraints LOCATION: DefineIndex, indexcmds.c:580
postgres=# create table t_unique_arr (id int, arr int[], exclude using gist (arr with &&)); ERROR: data type integer[] has no default operator class for access method "gist" HINT: You must specify an operator class for the index or define a default operator class for the data type. postgres=# create extension intarray; CREATE EXTENSION
postgres=# create table t_unique_arr (id int, arr int[], exclude using gist (arr with &&)); CREATE TABLE
postgres=# insert into t_unique_arr values (1,array[1,2,3]); INSERT 0 1 postgres=# insert into t_unique_arr values (1,array[1,2,3]); ERROR: conflicting key value violates exclusion constraint "t_unique_arr_arr_excl" DETAIL: Key (arr)=({1,2,3}) conflicts with existing key (arr)=({1,2,3}). postgres=# insert into t_unique_arr values (1,array[1,4,5]); ERROR: conflicting key value violates exclusion constraint "t_unique_arr_arr_excl" DETAIL: Key (arr)=({1,4,5}) conflicts with existing key (arr)=({1,2,3}). postgres=# insert into t_unique_arr values (1,array[4,5,6]); INSERT 0 1 postgres=# insert into t_unique_arr select id, array[id] from generate_series(7,10000) t(id); ERROR: conflicting key value violates exclusion constraint "t_unique_arr_arr_excl" DETAIL: Key (arr)=({7}) conflicts with existing key (arr)=({7}). Time: 3.131 ms postgres=# update t_unique_arr set arr=array[1,2,3] where id=2; UPDATE 0 Time: 1.405 ms postgres=# update t_unique_arr set arr=array[1,2,3] where id=7; ERROR: conflicting key value violates exclusion constraint "t_unique_arr_arr_excl" DETAIL: Key (arr)=({1,2,3}) conflicts with existing key (arr)=({1,2,3}). Time: 2.126 ms
postgres=# insert into t_unique_arr select id, array[id] from generate_series(7,10000) t(id); INSERT 0 9994 Time: 122861.074 ms (02:02.861)
所以我们可以用另外的方法,比如rule, trigger。
原理是这样的,当数据写入一个包含数组的表时,如果你想让某个数组列全局唯一,那么可以把数据展开,放到一个单值列,并用B-TREE的unique, primary key这类约束来约束其唯一性。
drop table t_unique_arr; create table t_unique_arr(id int, arr int[]); create index idx_t_unique_arr on t_unique_arr(id);
create table check_t_unique_arr(arr int unique);
创建insert, update, delete的规则,在操作源表时,自动展开多值列。
create rule r1 as on insert to t_unique_arr do also insert into check_t_unique_arr select unnest(NEW.arr); create rule r2 as on update to t_unique_arr do also delete from check_t_unique_arr where arr = any (OLD.arr); create rule r3 as on update to t_unique_arr do also insert into check_t_unique_arr select unnest(NEW.arr); create rule r4 as on delete to t_unique_arr do also delete from check_t_unique_arr where arr = any (OLD.arr);
create or replace function ins_t_unique_arr(int,int,int,int,int,int) returns void as $$ declare begin insert into t_unique_arr values ($1,array[$2,$3,$4,$5,$6]); update t_unique_arr set arr=array[$2,$3,$4,$5,$6] where id=$1+1; delete from t_unique_arr where id=$1+100; exception when others then return; end; $$ language plpgsql strict;
vi test.sql \set id1 random(100001,200000) \set id2 random(200001,300000) \set id3 random(300001,400000) \set id4 random(400001,500000) \set id5 random(500001,600000) \set id random(1,200000000) select ins_t_unique_arr(:id,:id1,:id2,:id3,:id4,:id5);
pgbench -M prepared -n -r -P 1 -f ./test.sql -c 64 -j 64 -T 120
transaction type: ./test.sql scaling factor: 1 query mode: prepared number of clients: 64 number of threads: 64 duration: 120 s number of transactions actually processed: 19510269 latency average = 0.394 ms latency stddev = 1.115 ms tps = 162325.823786 (including connections establishing) tps = 162351.285338 (excluding connections establishing) statement latencies in milliseconds: 0.001 \set id1 random(100001,200000) 0.000 \set id2 random(200001,300000) 0.000 \set id3 random(300001,400000) 0.000 \set id4 random(400001,500000) 0.000 \set id5 random(500001,600000) 0.000 \set id random(1,200000000) 0.391 select ins_t_unique_arr(:id,:id1,:id2,:id3,:id4,:id5);
postgres=# select count(*) from t_unique_arr ; count ------- 91429 (1 row) postgres=# select count(*) from (select unnest(arr) from t_unique_arr) t; count -------- 417541 (1 row) postgres=# select count(*) from check_t_unique_arr ; count -------- 417541 (1 row)
1、rule 不支持copy,即COPY不会触发RULE。
2、RULE 不支持 truncate。 即TRUNCATE不会触发RULE。
create or replace function tg_t_unique_arr() returns trigger as $$ declare begin case TG_OP when 'INSERT' then insert into check_t_unique_arr select unnest(NEW.arr); return NEW; when 'UPDATE' then delete from check_t_unique_arr where arr = any (OLD.arr); insert into check_t_unique_arr select unnest(NEW.arr); return NEW; when 'DELETE' then delete from check_t_unique_arr where arr = any (OLD.arr); return OLD; when 'TRUNCATE' then truncate check_t_unique_arr; end case; return null; end; $$ language plpgsql strict;
postgres=# drop rule r1 on t_unique_arr ; DROP RULE postgres=# drop rule r2 on t_unique_arr ; DROP RULE postgres=# drop rule r3 on t_unique_arr ; DROP RULE postgres=# drop rule r4 on t_unique_arr ; DROP RULE
postgres=# create trigger tg1 before insert or update or delete on t_unique_arr for each row execute procedure tg_t_unique_arr(); CREATE TRIGGER
postgres=# create trigger tg2 after truncate on t_unique_arr for each statement execute procedure tg_t_unique_arr(); CREATE TRIGGER
transaction type: ./test.sql scaling factor: 1 query mode: prepared number of clients: 64 number of threads: 64 duration: 120 s number of transactions actually processed: 16580381 latency average = 0.463 ms latency stddev = 0.408 ms tps = 137735.702798 (including connections establishing) tps = 137754.497564 (excluding connections establishing) statement latencies in milliseconds: 0.001 \set id1 random(100001,200000) 0.000 \set id2 random(200001,300000) 0.000 \set id3 random(300001,400000) 0.000 \set id4 random(400001,500000) 0.000 \set id5 random(500001,600000) 0.000 \set id random(1,200000000) 0.460 select ins_t_unique_arr(:id,:id1,:id2,:id3,:id4,:id5);
postgres=# select count(*) from t_unique_arr ; count ------- 80307 (1 row) postgres=# select count(*) from (select unnest(arr) from t_unique_arr) t; count -------- 401535 (1 row) postgres=# select count(*) from check_t_unique_arr ; count -------- 401535 (1 row)
postgres=# truncate t_unique_arr ; TRUNCATE TABLE postgres=# select count(*) from t_unique_arr ; count ------- 0 (1 row) postgres=# select count(*) from check_t_unique_arr ; count ------- 0 (1 row)
1、目前使用exclude排他约束来对多值类型实现元素的全局唯一约束,使用intarry的gist &&
2、使用rule可以实现数组元素全局唯一约束,但缺陷是: rule 不支持copy, 不支持 truncate。
3、使用trigger可以实现数组元素全局唯一约束,并且性能很不错,支持copy, truncate。